20 Dec 2021

 Lviv City Council is announcing a competition to determine the investor for the implementation of the investment project “Creation of a bookstore with a reading room and artistic elements on the Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22“

Lviv City Council is announcing a competition to determine the investor for the implementation of the investment project “Creation of a bookstore with a reading room and artistic elements on the Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22“

Guided by the Law of Ukraine “About investment activity“and “About local self-government in Ukraine“, in accordance to the decree of the Lviv City Council dated from 18.07.2013 №2547 “On approval of the regulation of investment activities in Lviv“ (with amendments), to implement decisions of the Lviv City Council dated from 16.09.2021 №1249 “About the approval of the investment object “Cultural art space in the premises on the Academician V. Hnatiuka street, 20-22“ and dated from 25.11.2021 №1699 «On the approval of the investment project “Creation of a bookstore with a reading room and artistic elements on the Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22“», for the development of cultural institutions and book publishing, involvement of investments to renovate and preserve the object of the communal property on the Academician V. Hnatiuka street, 20-22, a competition to determine the investor is announced that will offer the best conditions for the implementation of the investment project “Creation of a bookstore with a reading room and artistic elements on the Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22“.
Tendering process is held by Special tender committee of the Lviv City Council to conduct the investment competition for the implementation of the investment project “Creation of a bookstore with a reading room and artistic elements on the Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22“ (herein – Tender Committee). Investment and projects office of the department of economic development of the Lviv City Council is functioning as a tender organizer (herein – Tender organizer).

1. Information on investment object.
1.1. Investment object – non-residential ground level properties at the Academician V. Hnatiuka street, 20-22, під № № 54-1, 54-2, 54-3, 54-4, 54-5, 54-6, 54-7, 54-8, 54-9, 54-10 with total area 382,2 sq. m (herein – Investment object).
1.2. Investment object location (address) – Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22 (premises of former railway ticket office).
1.3. Investment object total area – 382, 2 sq. m.
1.4. Other technical characteristics of Investment object defined in technical passport, which is a part of the tender documentation.

2. Information on investment project.
2.1. Investment project “Creation of a bookstore with a reading room and artistic elements on the Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22“ foresees creation in communal premises at the Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22 in Lviv, of modern creative bookstore focused on culture that will combine reading room with artistic elements. Artistic elements are authentic elements of historical and cultural value discovered during repair and restoration works.
The detailed characteristics of investment project is determined by the Decree of the Lviv City Council dated from 25.11.2021 №1699 «About the approval of the investment project “Creation of a bookstore with a reading room and artistic elements on the Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22“» (herein – Decree).
2.2. Allowable use of the investment object according to the criteria of the investment project:
2.2.1. Book selling, periodicals of various types and genres in the format of a general type bookstore.
2.2.2. Organization and holding of thematic meetings, conferences, presentations, press-conferencess, readings to promote the Ukrainian-language product.
2.2.3. Organization and conducting of trainings, seminars, workshops, namely writing skills courses, literary residences etc.
2.2.4. Functioning of a separate reading room.
2.2.5. Functioning of a space in the format of coworking.
2.2.6. R&D, research and production activities.
2.2.7. Without the possibility of placing the restaurant.
2.2.8. At least 50% of the books in the bookstore’s range must be of philosophical, cultural, historical, political science, literary, religious and humanitarian subjects, natural and exact sciences, architecture and urban planning.
2.2.9. Prohibited to sell Russian-language product.
2.3. Investment project provides a creation of bookstore, which will compose of following components:
2.3.1. Halls for distribution and selling of books, periodicals of various types and genres in the format of a general type bookstore.
2.3.2. Multifunctioning space – lecture hall for meetings, conferences, presentations, press-conferencess, exhibitions, trainings, seminars, workshops, namely writing skills courses, literary residences etc.
2.3.3. Separate reading room.
2.3.4. Coworking – space.
2.3.5. Conference-room of closed type.
2.3.6. Technical space.

3. Key investment conditions:
3.1. Investment agreement and Security agreement are concluded in a result of investment competition with the winning investor.
3.2. A party to the investment agreement from the Lviv City Council is Lviv communal enterprise “Resources agency of Lviv City Council“.
3.3. Investor is obliged:
3.3.1. To set the bookstore into operation during 2 years from the date of signing the investment agreement with the components according to the clause 2.3, therewith: To prepare design and construction documents of repair and restoration works of the investment object during 1 year from the date of signing the investment agreement, fulfill its due diligence and obtain permits for the start of works. During 1 year from the date of obtaining of permits for the start of works to fulfill repair and restoration works of the Investment object and its facades and to carry out works on arrangement of a bookstore with components according to the clause 2.3.
3.3.2. To invest not less than 5 mln. UAH into the object of investment and creation of bookstore with the reading room and artistic elements at the Academician V. Hnatiuka Str., 20-22.
3.3.3. Design and work should be carried out taking into account the requirements of protection of the traditional environment of the historic area of ​​the city, visual, compositional and aesthetic perception of the building, and in accordance with State building codes, state sanitary rules and regulations, fire safety regulations, cultural heritage legislation and other regulations.
3.3.4. Elaborate the passport of the facade of the building and coordinate it with the Department of Historic Environment Protection of the Lviv City Council.
3.3.5. Ensure the preservation of identified artistic elements of historical and cultural value, and ensure the participation of the Department of Historical Environment of the Lviv City Council together with the author’s supervision to monitor all repair and restoration work.
3.3.6. To maintain the purpose of the investment object according to the clause 2.2.
3.3.7. Do not change the purpose of the investment object.
3.3.8. On demand of the bureau of culture of the development department of the Lviv City Council and relevant preliminary notice of investor: To provide for a free of charge usage any bookstore space for minimum 12 hours per month. To provide for a free of charge usage any space for placing promotional materials.
3.3.9. After carrying out the works envisaged by the Investment Project, prepare and transfer the technical passport of the Investment Object to the balance holder.
3.4. Investor obtains the Investment Object for the implementation of investment project for the period of 10 years with the possibility of continuation.
3.5. In case of creation of recycled product, new product, and also in case of improvements executed during repair and restoration works, this objects are determined as communal property.
3.6. The bureau of communal property of the department of economic development of the Lviv City Council after the execution by the winner-investor of clause 3.3.1, in case of legal and technical reasons, as provided by applicable law of Ukraine,
registers the ownership of the relevant buildings and / or their parts by the territorial hromada of Lviv
3.7. The source of financing the fulfillment of the investor’s obligations to carry out repair and restoration works of the Investment Object, as well as the creation of a bookstore with a reading room and artistic elements are his own and borrowed funds.
3.8. The expenses incurred by the Lviv City Council during the preparation of Investment Project is reimbursed by investor – the winner of the competition.
3.9. An amount of registration fee for potential participants of investment competition is 15 th. UAH.
3.10. After determining the winner of the investment competition, an investment agreement is concluded in accordance with the draft investment agreement approved by the Resolution.

4. Investment competition participation criteria:
4.1. In the competition can participate legal entities (residents of Ukraine) apart from organizational and legal forms, that are listed in national publishing and book distribution register that provide preparation, output and (or) distribution not less than 50 percent of book products in the state language (except the advertising and erotic publications) and, that confirmed the intention to participate through the application in investment competition, and also at the moment of disclosure of applications made a registration fee that is confirmed by the relevant payment documents.
4.2. Qualification requirements for the competition participants:
4.2.1. The applicant is not in the process of bankruptcy, reorganization or liquidation.
4.2.2. The property of the applicant is not on bail, under arrest and has no other encumbrances.
4.2.3. The applicant has no arreas to the budget at the time of application.
4.2.4. The applicant has a possibility to provide due financing of investment activity that is documented.
4.2.5. The applicant has paid registration fee.
4.2.6. The applicant should be listed in national publishing and book distribution register, that provide preparation, output and (or) distribution not less than 50 percent of book products in the state language (except the advertising and erotic publications) and also has rights for published book products on behalf of its publishing house.
4.3. Criteria of the winner of the competition:
The amount of investment contribution above the fixed threshold of UAH 5 million is not decisive for determining the winner of the investment competition. The winner of the competition is determined primarily by the criteria of compliance of the investment project to the needs of the city and the scientific community, which is determined by special criteria for determining the winner of the competition, namely:
4.3.1. The best holistic concept of support for Ukrainian scientific book publishing and book distribution in Lviv, which contains: Program of cooperation in the field of book distribution with universities and academic scientific communities. Program of cooperation with Ukrainian publishers that are specialized in the field of publishing of scientific, popular science literature, to achieve the mode of operation of the bookstore in the format of “open-market”, where without restrictions will be represented all the players of Ukrainian publishing process; Offers as for the mechanisms of priority of work with publishers that specialize in the field of publishing of scientific, popular science literature, as well as mechanisms of involvement of scientific book products from EU countries, Great Britain, USA etc.
4.3.2. International approbation of publishing activity, active participation in literary, scientific and book publishing processes and events.
4.3.3. The most prestigious awards received by the participant in the field of literature and book publishing, either Ukrainian or international, that is confirmed by the relevant documents.
4.3.4. An experience of prosperous cooperation with academic communities in publishing or support of R&D projects.
4.3.5. The best conditions for using the Investment Facility to provide services to meet public needs under the terms of the section 5 Annex 1 of the Decree.
4.3.6. Involvement of companies in the realization of the investment project, with experience in implementing cultural and scientific management projects in book publishing, with specific successful examples of support for scientific communities, research and tested at the international level and in Ukraine.
4.4. The procedure of participation in the investment competition:
4.4.1. Acquisition of the tender documentation regarding to the written request to the Tender Committee.
4.4.2. Submission of the application to the Tender Committee.
4.5. The procedure of obtaining of the tender documentation:
4.5.1. After the announcement of the tender, the legal entity that intends to participate in the tender must receive the tender documentation.
4.5.2. Issuance of the tender documentation is carried out by the Organizer of the tender in response to a written request submitted to his postal address, in which the applicant must indicate his e-mail address.
4.5.3. Tender documentation is provided to the applicant exclusively in electronic form to the e-mail address specified in the request.

5. Registration fee information:
5.1. An amount of registration fee is 15 th. UAH.
5.2. References of current account to which the registration fee should be paid: Department of economic development of the Lviv City Council; legal and factual address: 79008, Lviv, Rynok Sq., 1; c/a UA588201720344251011300020170; The State Treasury Service of Ukraine in Kyiv; EDRPOU code 34814859.
5.3. The registration fee is paid by non-cash transfer to the current account of the Department of Economic Development of the Lviv City Council (which includes the activity of the Organizer of the competition) and is used to organize, prepare and conduct the investment competition. The registration fee is non-refundable.

6. Submission of applications for participation in the investment competition:
6.1. Method and place of application: an application is applied to the Tender Committee in written form at the address: 79006, Lviv, Rynok Sq., room 317.
6.2. Period of application submission: from the moment of publication of the announcement of competition till 17 h. 00 min. 1st of February 2022.
6.3. Application deadline: till 17 h. 00 min. 1st of February 2022.

7. Disclosure of applications for participation in the investment competition:
7.1. Location: Lviv, Rynok Sq., 1, room 217.
7.2. Time and date: 09 h. 00 min, 8th of February 2022.
7.3. All applicants or their authorized representatives are allowed to participate in the application opening procedure.

8. Information on Tender Organizer:
8.1. Organizer of the tender and the body that should be requested with all the additional information is the Investment and projects office of the department of economic development of the Lviv City Council.
8.2. Postal address: 79008, Lviv, Rynok Sq., 1, room 317.
8.3. Contact number: (032) 254 6006.
8.4. E-mail: [email protected].
8.5. Operating hours: Monday-Thursday – from 8.00 till 17.00; Friday – from 8.00 till 16.00.

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