Modernization of street lighting system in Lviv
Additional Information

Scope of the project. The project involves the reconstruction of street lighting with the introduction of Smart City technology

The goal of the project. modernization of city street lighting, introduction of Smart City technology.

The role of the state partner in project implementation.

Analysis of the problem that is solved during the implementation of the project.

The last large-scale modernization of street lighting systems of cities in Ukraine took place at the end of the 1970s. The existing infrastructure is analog and is able to provide a single function of lighting the urban space. It is outdated, and its use is economically inefficient and negatively affects the environmental safety of the city. Today, society expresses a high interest in receiving digital services, which is Smart City technology.

PPP Model: A revenue-based PPP project: the public partner pays a set fee for the use of electricity and receives revenues through cost reductions through street lighting upgrades. However, it is also planned to provide relevant services to other users, such as Smart-city data, which will be received only after the installation of the relevant technology.

Site location: Lviv (every lighting point in the city).

Availability and description of available objects. The number of lighting points in the city is 31459. The number of power points is 310

Owners and operators of traffic lights: LKP “Lvivsvitlo” – 15 thousand units; Others – 16,459 units;

Ownership of existing objects: communal and private.

Information about the project

Public-private partnership project

Public partner – Lviv City Council

Advisory support – state PPP support agency

Project characteristics:

  • about 31.5 thousand city lightspots;
  • reconstruction of the street lighting system;
  • integration of “Smart City” technologies;
  • transfer of the city street lighting system to a private enterprise for operation.

Project status: preliminary studies and analysis are underway