Legal and auditing services:
- KPMG (Tel.: +38 032 297 57 70, Е-mail: [email protected])
- PwC (Tel.: +380 32 236 2050, Е-mail: [email protected]
- Ernst & Young (Tel.: +38 044 490 3000)
- MAZARS (Tel.: +38 032 232 99 32, Е-mail: [email protected])
- ARZINGER(Tel.: +38 (032) 242 96 96, Е-mail: [email protected])
- Attorneys-at-law “Kravchuk partners” (Tel.: +38 (097) 67 27 032, Е-mail: [email protected]
- Nexia DK (Tel.: +38 032 298 8540, Е-mail: [email protected]
Consulting services:
Free consulting support from KSE Graduate Business School
Consulting from specialists of the KSE Graduate Business School provides expert knowledge, focuses on development opportunities, emphasizes business problem areas during relocation and ways to solve them.
- assistance with determining the state of the business and deciding on relocation
- advising on choosing the best ways to relocate a business offered by the state
- advising on creating a marketing strategy to restore and increase demand for goods
- training in logistics process management, efficiency and supplier selection
You can apply via the link.

- Lviv IT Cluster (Tel.: 0800 300 331, Е-mail: [email protected])
- Western Ukrainian Fashion Industry Cluster (WUFIC) (Tel.: +38 097 018 9258)
- Lviv Fashion and Design Cluster (Tel. +38 067 371 7110)
- WUCSE – Western Ukrainian Cluster of Social Enterprises (Tel.: +380 (67) 969-84-83, Email: [email protected])
- Lviv Tech Cluster (Tel.: +380 96 891 6764 , E-mail: [email protected])
- Lviv Defence Cluster (E-mail: [email protected])
- Lviv Cluster of Transport and Logistics (Tel.: +380 67 370 55 14, E-mail: [email protected])
- Lviv Furniture Cluster (Tel.: +38 067 111 5509, E-mail: [email protected])
- Lviv Cluster of Medical Business (Tel.: +380 63 391 6496)
- Biotech&Pharma Cluster (Е-mail: [email protected])
- Lviv Medical Tourism Cluster (Tel.: +38 099 647 83 37; +38 063 432 3103, Е-mail: [email protected])
- Cluster of Publishing and Printing (Tel.: +38 097 749 38 48, Е-mail: [email protected])
- Lviv Cluster of Education and Creativity Development (Tel.: +38 097 858 0631, Е-mail: [email protected])
- Educational and productional cluster ( Tel. +38 097 942 3052)
Business associations and business clubs
- The EBA Western Ukrainian Office (Tel.: +38 (067) 406 65 36, Е-mail: [email protected])
- West Ukrainian Business Club (WUBC / Західно-Український бізнес клуб (Tel.: +38 (068) 000 17 17, Е-mail: [email protected])
- BUSINESS COMMUNITY CLUB (Tel.: +38 096 804 5555; +38 067 67 115 04, E-mail: [email protected])
- CORE Business Club(Tel.: +380631234604, Е-mail: [email protected])
- Young Business Club Львів (Е-mail: [email protected], Facebook)
- The TOTUM law firm provides services in the areas of real estate and construction, land and agrarian law, litigation, corporate and tax law, intellectual property, M&A, comprehensively supports business relocation processes and provides both online and offline consultations.
- Bochulyak and Partners Attorneys At Law (Lviv) – offers legal assistance to relocated companies, including free consultations at the initial stage. Tel .: 0979150756 (Yuri Bochulyak), Facebook.
- Association of Lawyers of Ukraine Citizens and Business hotline:Tel .: 080 033 58 18 (free for calls within Ukraine) +38 (044) 334-56-76; +38 (097) 840-39-36 Telegram: +38 (097) 840-39-36
The SELECT recruitment company – offers search and selection of qualified specialists for relocated business in Ukraine and abroad. Tel .: +38 095 94 80039 (Taras Kotyk)

Diia. Digital education
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has launched the Diia website. Digital education for public free online learning for every citizen of Ukraine. In particular, online courses for business are offered.

Plan your trip to Lviv! Useful tips and interesting information about where to go in the city. Events, facilities, museums and routes on the official tourist portal of Lviv.

If you have the intention and the ability to help businesses from the affected regions, please fill out the form below.