Lviv welcomed Harry Boyd-Carpenter, Managing Director of the Sustainable Infrastructure
A large-scale energy-saving project has been implemented at St. Luke’s
ДетальнішеGuided by the Laws of Ukraine “On Investment Activity” and “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine”, in accordance with the resolution of the Lviv City Council dated 18.07.2013 №2547 “On Approval of the Regulations on Investment Activity in Lviv” (as amended), pursuant to the resolution of the Lviv City Council dated 06.07.2023 №3413 “On Implementation of the Investment Project “Creation of a Research Center for Engineering Students at 5 Kalicha Hora Street”, in order to create a space for high-quality scientific, cross-sectoral research and attract investment funds
The investment competition is carried out by the Competition Commission established by the Lviv City Council for holding investment competitions and approved by the resolution of the Lviv City Council dated 18.07.2013 №2547 “On Approval of the Regulations on Investment Activity in Lviv” (as amended) (hereinafter – the Competition Commission), the Investment and Projects Office of the Economic Development Department of the Lviv City Council acts as the organizer of the competition (hereinafter – the Organizer of the competition).
1. Information about the investment object.
1.1. The investment object is a non-residential building with a total area of 1,352 square meters (hereinafter referred to as the Investment Object).
1.2. The location of the Investment Object (address) is 5 Kalicha Hora Street.
1.3. The total area of the Investment Object is 1,352 square meters.
1.4. Other technical characteristics of the Investment Object are defined in the technical passport, which is a part of the competition documentation.
2. Information about the investment project.
2.1. The Investment Project “Creation of a Research Center for Engineering Students at 5 Kalicha Hora Street” (hereinafter referred to as the Investment Project) envisages the creation of a modern Research Center with laboratories for training and practice of students studying in innovative specialties in higher education institutions of Lviv in a non-residential building at 5 Kalicha Hora Street in Lviv.
The detailed description of the investment project is determined by the resolution of the Lviv City Council dated 07/06/2023 No. 3413 “On the implementation of the investment project “Creation of a Research Center for Engineering Students at 5 Kalicha Hora Street” (hereinafter – the Resolution).
2.2 Purpose of the Investment Object in accordance with the Resolution and the terms of the investment project:
2.2.1. Operation of the Research Center with laboratories for training and practice of students studying in innovative specialties in higher education institutions of Lviv. For the development of quality research, the center should unite 11 laboratories in the most relevant and cross-functional areas, open spaces, lecture halls, and meeting rooms.
2.2.2. Conduct practical laboratory classes for students of technical specialties of Lviv universities.
2.2.3. Conducting independent research by students, postgraduates, and researchers.
2.2.4. Organize and conduct trainings, lectures, seminars, workshops on relevant topics.
2.2.5. Functioning of intersectoral laboratories, in particular in the areas of artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, bioengineering, AR/VR, Gamedev technologies, etc.
2.2.6. Functioning of the space in a coworking format.
2.2.7. Functioning of separate lecture halls, meeting rooms.
2.2.8. Functioning of the office supporting the activities of the Research Center and the development of innovative projects.
2.3 This investment project envisages the creation of a Research Center, which will consist of:
2.3.1. Intersectoral laboratories in the areas of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, robotics, bioengineering, human-machine interaction, machining, cybersecurity, AR/VR and Gamedev technologies, Design Thinking with a total area of at least 50% of the area of the Investment Object.
2.3.2. Educational premises consisting of lecture halls, separate meeting rooms for discussions, coworking with a total area of at least 25% of the area of the Investment Object.
2.3.3. Office supporting the activities of the Research Center and the development of innovative projects, with an area of not more than 15% of the area of the Investment Object.
2.3.4. Common use premises consisting of a catering room, kitchen, sanitary and hygienic rooms, corridors, technical premises with a total area of not more than 10% of the area of the Investment Object.
3. Main terms of investment:
3.1 The investment agreement shall be concluded based on the results of the investment competition with the investor-winner of the investment competition.
3.2. The party to the investment agreement on behalf of the Lviv City Council is the Education Department of the Halytskyi and Frankivskyi Districts of the Education Department of the Development Department.
3.3 The investor is obliged to:
3.3.1. Within 7 years from the date of signing the investment agreement, put into operation the Research Center for students of engineering specialties (hereinafter referred to as the Research Center) in accordance with Section 7 of Annex 1 of the Resolution, while Within 3.5 years from the date of signing the investment agreement:
– Prepare design and estimate documentation for the reconstruction of the investment object, carry out its examination;
– Obtain permits for the start of work;
– reconstruct the investment object, including the facades, foundations, walls, roof, replace the engineering networks and floors of the building, ensure that the proper temperature regime is maintained in the building after the reconstruction, which is confirmed by the permit for commissioning of the investment object. Within 3.5 years after the reconstruction of the Investment Object, complete the arrangement of the Research Center with components in accordance with Section 7 of Annex 1 of the resolution of the Lviv City Council dated 06.07.2023 No. 3413 “On the implementation of the investment project “Creation of a Research Center for students of engineering specialties at 5 Kalicha Hora Street”.
Detailed requirements for the project implementation timeframe and documents confirming the performance of work are provided in Annex 4 of the competition documentation.
3.3.2. Invest in the investment object not less than UAH 40,000,000 (forty million), namely: Development of design and estimate documentation, work plan for the creation of the Research Center, conducting necessary surveys and other preparatory work – expected investment – not less than UAH 5 000 000 (five million). External and internal repairs – expected investment – not less than UAH 30,000,000 (thirty million). Laboratory equipment – expected investment – not less than UAH 5,000,000 (five million).
3.3.3 Design and works shall be carried out taking into account the requirements for protection of the traditional environment of the historical area of the city, visual, compositional and aesthetic perception of the building and in accordance with the requirements of the State Building Standards, State Sanitary Rules and Regulations, fire safety standards, other legal and regulatory acts.
3.3.4. To comply with the intended purpose of the Investment Object in accordance with Section 4 of the Investment Project.
3.3.5. Not to change the intended purpose of the Investment Object.
3.3.6. At the request of the Education Department of the Development Department and upon the relevant prior notice to the Investor, provide any space of the Research Center for free use for at least 12 hours per month for educational events.
3.3.7. Upon completion of the works envisaged by the investment project, to produce and hand over to the balance holder the technical passport of the Investment Object.
3.4 The investment object is transferred to the investor for the implementation of the investment project for a period of 30 years (with the possibility of extension).
3.5. It is not allowed to transfer the Investment Object to private ownership or to recognize the right of private ownership of the Investment Objects, including in case of fulfillment of the conditions provided for in Part 2 of Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine “On Privatization of State and Communal Property”.
3.6. In case of creation of a recycled item, a new item, as well as in case of inalienable improvements made during the reconstruction provided for in Section 6 of the investment project, these objects shall be recognized as municipal property.
3.7. After the winning investor has fulfilled clause 8.3.1 of Section 8 of Annex 1 of the resolution of the Lviv City Council dated 06.07.2023 No. 3413 “On the Implementation of the Investment Project “Creation of a Research Center for Students of Engineering Specialties at 5 Kalicha Hora Street”, in case of legal and technical grounds, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Ukraine, the Communal Property Department of the Economic Development Department shall register the ownership of the relevant buildings and/or parts thereof with the Lviv City Territorial Community.
3.8. The source of funding for fulfillment of the Investor’s obligations to reconstruct the investment object and create the Research Center with laboratories shall be the Investor’s own and/or borrowed funds.
3.9. The costs incurred by the Lviv City Council during the preparation of the investment project shall be reimbursed by the winning investor.
3.10. No commercial services, including those provided by visitors to the Research Center, shall be allowed in the investment object.
3.11. An additional criterion for selecting the winner is the arrangement of the shelter (Building A-1) and the entrance to the shelter (Building A-1).
3.12. Report to the Contest Committee on the status of the project implementation every six months. In the event of significant deviations from the planned project implementation timeframe, the competition commission may initiate termination of the investment agreement.
4. Terms of participation in the investment competition:
4.1. The competition is open to legal entities (residents of Ukraine) regardless of their organizational and legal form, which meet the qualification requirements for participants in the Investment Competition and which have confirmed their intention to participate in the competition by submitting an application for participation in the competition, and which have paid the registration fee at the time of opening of applications for participation in the competition, as evidenced by the relevant payment documents.
4.2. Qualification requirements for competition participants:
4.2.1. The applicant’s property is not pledged, arrested or otherwise encumbered.
4.2.2. The applicant has no debts to the budget of Lviv city territorial community at the time of application.
4.2.3. The applicant is able to provide adequate financing for investment activities.
4.2.4. The Applicant has paid the registration fee.
4.2.5. The Applicant has experience in implementing training programs, courses, creating educational and practical laboratories for students of engineering specialties.
4.2.6. The applicant has not been declared bankrupt or bankruptcy proceedings have not been initiated against the company.
4.2.7. Absence of residents of a state recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as an aggressor state among the final beneficiaries, owners, controllers of the applicant for participation in the competition.
4.2.8. The applicant is not registered in an offshore zone, or by persons whose shares (stakes) in the aggregate are owned directly or indirectly by such persons (the list of such zones is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine), or registered in countries included by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (FATF) in the list of countries that do not cooperate in the field of combating money laundering.
4.2.9. The Applicant is not affiliated with legal entities registered in a state recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as an aggressor state or subject to sanctions under Ukrainian or international law.
4.2.10. The Applicant does not carry out economic activities in the territory of the state recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as the aggressor state.
4.3. Criteria for determining the winner of the competition:
The winner of the competition is determined by the criteria of compliance of the investment project with the needs of the community and the applicant’s ability to implement the project.
4.3.1. The best project implementation concept in accordance with Annex 3 of the competition documentation.
4.3.2. The largest number of laboratories created by the bidder in technical areas that correspond to the profile of the future laboratories of the Research Center for practical activities of students over the past 10 years.
4.3.3. The largest number of bachelor’s programs created or modernized by the bidder in cooperation with higher or vocational education institutions and the number of students who have been trained and/or are studying in bachelor’s programs created or modernized by the bidder over the past 5 years.
4.3.4. The largest number of partners from among international organizations, public authorities, local governments with whom agreements and/or memorandums of cooperation have been concluded for the implementation of joint projects and the budgets of these projects with the distribution of funding sources for the last 5 years.
4.3.5. The best conditions for using the investment object to provide services to meet public needs in accordance with the terms of Section 5 of the Investment Project.
4.4. Procedure for participation in the investment competition:
4.4.1. Receipt of the competition documentation on the basis of a written request to the Organizer of the competition.
4.4.2. Submission of the Application for participation in the competition to the Competition Commission.
4.5. The procedure for obtaining the competition documentation:
4.5.1. After the announcement of the competition, a legal entity intending to participate in the competition shall receive the competition documents.
4.5.2. Competition documentation is issued by the Contest Organizer in response to a written request submitted to its postal address, in which the applicant must specify his/her email address.
4.5.3. Competition documentation is provided to the applicant exclusively in electronic form, to the e-mail address specified in the request.
4.6. The terms of the investment agreement are specified in the draft agreement approved by the Resolution. The detailed terms and scope of work may be detailed by the applicant in the roadmap, which is a part of the Integral Concept of the project implementation, as well as based on the results of the development of design and estimate documentation.
5. Information on the registration fee:
5.1. The registration fee is 15 thousand UAH.
5.2. Bank details to which the registration fee should be paid:
Department of Economic Development of Lviv City Council;
legal and actual address: 1 Rynok Square, Lviv, 79008, Ukraine;
Acc. UA588201720344251011300020170;
State Treasury Service of Ukraine in Kyiv;
EDRPOU 34814859.
5.3. The registration fee shall be paid by bank transfer to the current account of the Economic Development Department of Lviv City Council (within which the Organizer of the Competition operates) and shall be used for the purpose of organizing, preparing and conducting the investment competition.
5.4. The registration fee is non-refundable.
6. Submission of applications for participation in the investment competition:
6.1. Method and place of submission: the application shall be submitted to the Competition Commission in writing to the postal address: 79006, Lviv, Rynok Square 1, room. 317.
6.2. Application deadline: from the date of publication of the announcement of the competition until 18 hours. 00 min, September 29, 2023.
6.3. Application deadline: until 18 hours. 00 min, September 29, 2023.
7. Disclosure of applications for participation in the investment competition:
7.1. Place: Lviv, 1 Rynok Square, room. 217.
7.2. Time and date: at 14 hours. 00 minutes, October 2, 2023.
7.3. All applicants or their authorized representatives shall be allowed to participate in the application opening procedure.
8. Information about the Contest Organizer:
8.1. The organizer of the competition and the body to contact for additional information is the Investment and Projects Office of the Economic Development Department of Lviv City Council.
8.2. Postal and actual address: 79008, Lviv, Rynok Square, 1, office. 317.
8.3. Contact phone number: (032) 254 6006.
8.4. E-mail: [email protected].
8.5. Working hours: Monday-Thursday – from 9.00 to 18.00; Friday – from 9.00 to 17.00.
Lviv welcomed Harry Boyd-Carpenter, Managing Director of the Sustainable Infrastructure
ДетальнішеA large-scale energy-saving project has been implemented at St. Luke’s