Tenders Invitation. Lviv Trolleybus Project
10 Sep 2019

Rehabilitation and Modernisation of Electric Transport Depot (Rehabilitation of the Tram Depot No. 2 of LME “Lvivelektrotrans”, located at 29 Promyslova str., in Lviv, Ukraine)


This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) website, Procurement Notices (www.ebrd.com) on March 6, 2018 with subsequent updates.

Lviv Municipal Enterprise “Lvivelektrotrans”, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of Lviv Trolleybus Project.

The Employer now invites sealed tenders from contractors for the following Contract[s] to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan:


Contract No. 49844/2: Rehabilitation and Modernisation of Electric Transport Depot (Rehabilitation of the Tram Depot No. 2 of LME “Lvivelektrotrans”, located at 29 Promyslova str., in Lviv, Ukraine)

This Contract includes construction works with interior finishing works, installation of flooring, foundations for equipment and tram tracks within the Depot premises (maintenance hall), installation of boiler room, new interior utility lines (water supply, heating, sewage, gas system, electrical networks, lighting, etc.) and exterior utility lines (water supply, sewage, gas supply). The contract shall be done according to design prepared by the Employer, however the Contractor is requested to design for boiler room, heating and ventilation (HVAC) systems.


Time for Completion: 365 days.

Defects Notification Period: 365 days.


Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country.


To be qualified for the award of a Contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:


  1. History of non-performing contracts. The Tenderer, or any partner in a JVCA, shall not have a consistent history of litigation and/or arbitration resulting in awards against the Tenderer, or any partner in a JVCA, within the last 5 (five) years.
  2. Pending Litigation. All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than 5% (five percent) of the Tenderer’s net worth and shall be treated as resolved against the Tenderer.
  3. Historical Financial Performance. Submission of audited balance sheets or if not required by the law of the Tenderer’s country, other financial statements acceptable to the Employer, for the last 3 (three) years to demonstrate the current soundness of the Tenderers financial position and its prospective long term profitability.
  4. Average Annual Turnover. Minimum average annual construction turnover of EUR 1,000,000.00 (one million euros), calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last 3 (three) years.
  5. Financial Resources. The Tenderer must demonstrate access to, or availability of, financial resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, other than any contractual advance payments to meet the following cash-flow requirement: not less than EUR 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand euros) for a period of 3 (three) months and the overall cash flow requirements for this Contract and its current commitments.
  6. Experience:

General Experience:

Experience under contracts in the role of Prime Contractor or Contractor for the last 5 (five) years prior to the tender submission deadline, and with activity in at least 9 (nine) months in each year.

Specific Experience:

  • Participation as Prime contractor, contractor or Subcontractor in the last 5 (five) years, in the similar works:
    • at least 1 (one) contract, with value of at least EUR 1,200,000.00 (one million two hundred thousand euros), or
    • 2 (two) separate contracts, each with value of at least EUR 600,000.00 (six hundred thousand euros), or
    • 3 (three) separate contracts each with value of at least EUR 400,000.00 (four hundred thousand euros),

that have been successfully and substantially completed and that are similar to the proposed Works. The similarity shall be based on the physical size, complexity, methods/technology or other characteristics as described in Section VI, Requirements.

  • For the above or other contracts executed during the period stipulated in 6(a) above, a minimum experience in the following key activities:
  1. the Tenderer shall demonstrate (by providing Copies of Completion and Taking Over Certificates) the successful experience as a Prime Contractor, Contractor or Subcontractor, in at least 2 (two) contracts during the last 5 (five) years, including the following productivity parameters per year:

–      installation of reinforced concrete foundations – 110,0 m³;

–      interior finishing works – 2200,0 m²;

–      exterior finishing works – 1300,0 m²;

  1. the Tenderer shall demonstrate (by providing Copies of Completion and Taking Over Certificates) the successful experience as a Prime Contractor, Contractor or Subcontractor in at least 2 (two) contracts during the last 5 (five) years including design, supply, installation and commissioning of gas-fired boiler room with output of at least 0.6 Gcal (to demonstrate compliance with this particular requirement the tenderers is allowed to claim experience of its sub-contractor as a designer and/or contractor for such works).
  2. Personnel qualification. The tenderer possesses a suitably qualified personnel and shall provide CVs and ensure their availability to fill the following positions:
    1. Project Manager (at least 10 years of total experience, 5 years of experience in similar works);
    2. Designer of HVAC system (at least 10 years of total experience, 5 years of experience in similar works);
    1. Construction Manager (at least 10 years of total experience, 5 years of experience in similar works);
    2. Senior Heating and Ventilation Engineer (at least 5 years of total experience, 3 years of experience in similar works);
    3. Senior Electrical Engineer (at least 5 years of total experience, 3 years of experience in similar works);
    4. Quality Control Engineer (at least 5 years of total experience, 3 years of experience in similar works);
    5. Quantity Surveyor (at least 5 years of total experience, 3 years of experience in similar works);
    6. Senior Health and Safety Manager (at least 5 years of total experience, 3 years of experience in similar works).
  1. Contractor’s Equipment. The Tenderer shall own, or have assured access to (through hire, lease, purchase agreement, consent to purchase, availability of manufacturing equipment and production capability manufacturing equipment, or other means), the following key items of machine, plant, items of equipment in full working order, and must demonstrate that, based on known commitments, they will be available for use in the proposed contract.

Besides, the Tenderer may also list alternative equipment which he would propose to use for the contract, together with an explanation of the proposal.

Type of Equipment and Characteristics:

  1. Automobile crane (capacity at least 25 t) – 1 unit;
  2. Track mounted excavator (bucket capacity at least 0,2 m³) – 1 unit;
  3. Scaffolding for implementation of exterior works at a height of up to 8 m – 350 m²;
  4. Shuttering – 80 m².


  1. The joint ventures, consortiums and associations (hereinafter – “JVCA”) shall satisfy the following minimal qualification requirements:

(a)     Leading partner of the JVCA shall meet at least 40% (forty percent) of all qualifying criteria for general experience and financial position specified above.

(b)     Other partners of the JVCA shall meet at least 25% (twenty-five percent) of all qualifying criteria for general experience and financial position specified above.

The JVCA must satisfy collectively the criteria for general and specific experience, personnel and equipment capabilities and financial position stated above, for which purpose the relevant figures for each of the partners shall be added to arrive at the joint venture’s total capacity. Individual members of the JVCA must each satisfy the requirements for audited balance sheets and litigation.


The Tender document can be obtained free of charge in electronic format (in .pdf format). In order to obtain the document Tenderers are required to send a scanned copy of the signed official request for the tender documents to the email address shown below, however no liability can be accepted for non-delivery or late delivery of the tender document. This request must include the tender identification information, full name of the Tenderer (full address, identification code of legal entity EDRPOU (or its equivalent), phone and fax number, e-mail(s)), e-mail address to which the tender documents will be sent, and contact name(s)


Please note that Section VI, Requirements Sub-Section III. Drawings of the tender documents will be dispatched via a file exchange server only.

A pre-tender meeting and a Site Visit will be held on October 16, 2019, 10:00 am (local time) at the address specified in the Tender Documents.

All requests for clarification must be received by the Employer no later than 14 (fourteen) days, prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders. Please, note that all the requests for clarification received after the deadline will not be addressed.

All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of EUR 10,000.00 (ten thousand euros) or its equivalent in another freely convertible currency or Ukrainian Hryvnia at the official rate established by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of the tender security issue and must be submitted at the address indicated below no later than the time and date of the deadline for tender submission.

Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before the 05th of November, 2019 at 10:00 am (local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of those tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.


The applicable procurement rules are the Bank’s Procurement Policies and Rules (PP&R, Rev. November 2017) which can be located at: https://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/procurement/policies-and-rules.html


A register of potential tenderers who have purchased the tender documents may be inspected at the address below.


Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:


Contact name:                      Ms. Iryna Ivanyshyn

Name of Employer:               Lviv Municipal Enterprise «Lvivelektrotrans»

Address of Employer:            2, Sakharov Str., Lviv 79026, Ukraine

Tel:                                       +38 (032) 238 68 51, +38 (032) 238 68 50

Fax:                                      +38 (032) 238 28 45

Email address:                      [email protected], [email protected]


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